Tag Archives: masterkeymastermindalliance

MKMMA week 1- The journey begins

The journey has begun, the sails are set and the anchor is no longer in place. Now, I the captain must direct the ship towards the big open sea. Let the storms come, for I am ready. Let the sun warm me, for I deserve it. Let the stars guide me, for I will need them. This will be a voyage never forgotten. Wonder where it will take me…

Mkmma - week 1, the journey begins

It feels that my faltering wander over the last couple of years finally led to this journey. I have had the “heroes journey” before, I have read Napoleon Hill before and I have been studying the power of mind. I have even read about “the law of attraction” and begun testing meditation. I have done it all, but with no definite purpose and with no guidance.

The Master Key Mastermind Alliance has it all in a package with daily tasks and weekly assignments. And they have Mark and Davene who are the inspiration and interpretation we all need. We will soon see if the guides can contribute as well.

It all started last sunday with a 90+ minutes webinar. We all got our assignments and it is now up to us to deliver, practice and grow. First off, a DMP where the future me was supposed to be described. Then reading of Mandinos first scroll three times a day, the blueprint builder, this blog, some Napoleon Hill insights and finally Master Key lessons from Henell. But there were one more thing. Taking complete control of your body. By sitting absolutely still for minimum 15 minutes in darkness with eyes closed just controlling your body. Harder than one can imagine, but an interesting exercise indeed. Except if you ask your wife, who think you turned nuts…

The days pass and the assignments are being taken care of. It all feels very natural and sound. Some doubts along the way offcourse, but otherwise everything is great. I can do this, I will do this.

A better me is about to be born, I can feel it coming slowly but surely

Take care out there
Love /Peter

Masterkey Mastermind Alliance MKMMA

It is about to start. Mark Januzevski “the lazies networker” has a very unique and special course called the MKMMA that start ones every year. This year I am going to take part in it, and I feel so excited.

I have followed Mark for quite a while now and am amazed in his excellent MLM skills and the way he teaches them for free. When I saw that this years mastermind course was up for grabs it did not take me long to decide. I want in. So I applied and got granted a scholarship. Tomorrow it will start…

This is not a usual education where they tell you what to do. Here you get to know how you do it. From the inside out depending on who you are and where you are in life.

I am really excited, and am looking forward to it.

Will try to keep my journey posted

Take care,

P.s please leave a comment and wish me luck 🙂